Thursday, February 23, 2017

In the knoll video the lady pointed out an important part of design which is that design is about how you feel in space. In the lectures and in the knoll video they talked about how design is about an experience in a space. In the lectures a good example given was at Disney world and how design shapes peoples experience there. What many people don't realize is that interior designers can work for places like Disney world.
    Interior design and interior decoration are similar and different. Interior designers can both decorate and design a space. Decorators usually decorate using things such as lights, furniture, rugs, etc. As stated in the knoll article, designers address client needs. They look at what the space needs for the amount of people there are and where the space is located. Interior designers solve problems and they go through long design processes to get to the finished product.

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The fundamental aspect of modern design is clean, open, and simplistic in nature.  Modern design is very functionality focused. It also goes...