Sunday, February 26, 2017

The 21 C has modern finishes such as marble flooring and walls. I felt a bit overwhelmed with the marble. On the ceiling, there is a beautiful and colorful lighting fixture that is 21st century modern. When you look into the other room you can see even more modern lighting that makes the room a purple/blueish glow. This space feels modern but also you can tell the building is older because of all the marble. 
              The Gratz park inn is definitely a cozy-feeling inn. It has dim lighting and comfortable couches and chairs. This building doesn’t feel modern.  It has wood flooring and the walls look like wallpaper or painted to look like wallpaper.  The patterned rug was outdated as well.  I also observed wooden furniture and trimming. The colors in this space were mostly neutral with a few pops of color here and there. The couches and chairs didn’t really match but they were somewhat close in color.
              These two spaces were mostly different. The 21 c hotel felt like a place for a fun and exciting weekend trip while the gratz inn could be a place to stay for a calm and relaxed weekend. A reason for that would be the finishes that were used. The 21C hotel had trendy finishes such as the lighting and marble while the inn had somewhat outdated finishes like the wall covering and some of the antique looking furniture. 
21 C Hotel

Gratz Park Inn
Finishes are important to experience because finishes make up interior design. For example, Disney world, as mentioned in the lectures, is a good example of an experience oriented place. Disney world is a place that the user is supposed to feel like they are in a fantasy world. Finishes such as colors, and textures, all contribute to your "magical" time at Disney world. In the picture below, you can see how there is large art pieces on the walls. Colorful butterflies and other different animals are entertaining to look at while you are dining. Disney world is all about entertaining ( of some sort) and they make sure every building you go to does just that.
Image result for disney world interior design

Thursday, February 23, 2017

In the knoll video the lady pointed out an important part of design which is that design is about how you feel in space. In the lectures and in the knoll video they talked about how design is about an experience in a space. In the lectures a good example given was at Disney world and how design shapes peoples experience there. What many people don't realize is that interior designers can work for places like Disney world.
    Interior design and interior decoration are similar and different. Interior designers can both decorate and design a space. Decorators usually decorate using things such as lights, furniture, rugs, etc. As stated in the knoll article, designers address client needs. They look at what the space needs for the amount of people there are and where the space is located. Interior designers solve problems and they go through long design processes to get to the finished product.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Art Deco And Art Nouveau period was heavily influenced by nature such as flowers. It was also influenced by a reaction from historicism. In the modernism period they embraced materials such as wood, glass, and iron.  Below is a picture that embraced wood and curved lines.
Image result for victor horta

The victorian era was influenced and named after queen victoria. Wallpaper was used and soon became a trend throughout interior design at this time. The wall coverings would be patterns that would include things like flowers, motifs, etc. They embraced heating, lighting, running water, and toilets.

Image result for victorian era interior design

Monday, February 13, 2017


The boroque period included colors that were bold. Religion was something that was highly influenced by this period. Motifis were used such as fleu de lis. Above is what the boroque period would look like.

A room decorated in the Rococo style, Nymphenburg palace, near Munich.
Rococo period had organic lines and shapes. Walls and ceilings were decorated with curves and ornamentation.

Image result for georgian interior design
georgian period was about entertaining guests. It had elaborate carvings such as ornaments. Colors were explored throughout this period.

Image result for neoclassical interior design 18th century
The neoclassical period would be characterized as an elegant period. I think this is one of my favorite periods. This picture above is a beautiful room that one would feel as if they were in an important and elegant space if they were standing there. The furniture was simplistic and the colors weren't overly bright.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Image result for shopping mall interior

In order for a person's experience in a public place to be a enjoyable one, the space must be designed correctly and well. An example from the picture above would be that its important to have enough space for people to move around without bumping into each other. The experience of the user is a very important aspect of interior design. In a place such as a shopping mall, the user experience is important for a variety of reasons. One reason would be that they want people to remember how nice the place was so that they come back. Another reason would be for human enjoyment - for someone to have a pleasant shopping experience.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

The church service that I attended was a calm and quiet event. The cathedral itself is a large, beautiful building inside and out. The interior of the main worship area has stained glass which allows light to shine in creating a colorful light shadow. There is also a very large chandelier above the preaching area which provides a pleasing look to the important area. The white walls provide a clean and elegant look. The seating was sectioned off so that about 3 adults could sit in one section. I saw that people came with their family, friends, and by their selves. I imagine a young child would get bored easily during the service compared to an adult. People behaved in a respectful manner, talking quietly amongst themselves until the service started. Even kids knew to be quiet and respectful. This has to do with a few reasons, one of them being the environment around them.
   The dance concert was a loud and exciting event. Before the show started people gathered together and talked freely and loudly to one another. Once everyone was in their seats, the concert began. The lights turned off signaling the start and everyone was quiet. The building itself was fairly large in size. The room where the concert was performed had no windows, which kept you more focused on what was going on inside. The room was mostly plain which is so you focus on the stage. The rows of seats weren’t sectioned off but they did get shorter as you got closer to the stage which allows you to see the stage from every chair. Almost all ages could enjoy this dance concert. I believe the dancers enjoyed performing it, and the workers seemed to like the partially laid-back environment.

  These two events were far different from one another. The dance concert was a fun pastime while the church service was a time for worship. The interiors of these places encouraged different things such as quietly talking with one person or talking with a group of others. 

The fundamental aspect of modern design is clean, open, and simplistic in nature.  Modern design is very functionality focused. It also goes...