Monday, December 12, 2016

The first place I analyzed was a small office and a large church. I talked about contrast between the two sizes of the buildings, which refers to the scale of them. Tehnological advances were achieved before the making of the tall church, such as: architectural  and engineering advances as well as material advances. In the 2nd video (uploaded on canvas due to technical problems) I talked about the contrast between 2 materials on the Hunt Morgan House. The red brick against the white/ grey stone was a contrast between 2 materials and 2 colors. In the third video I talked about pattern. There was a pattern on the church's stained glass window. (this wasn't the same church as in the first video) When light hits the glass window, color will appear more vibrant. The color and the glass are both technological advances. The stained glass makes up color, line, texture, and shape.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The buildings' exterior is important because it's the structure of the building. It holds many technological advancements.

 These lights were something I found interesting because of the way they grab your attention and add to the overall feel of the interior.

 An elevator is an obvious technological advancement. But what's notable here is the material usage, which is also a technological advancement.  

 This is an architectural advancement. The usage of materials are modern.

I found this table with plugs so that you could plug in something and charge it.

        One of the most notable things I found here was the table with the charging station. Not only is this a technological advance, but it caters to people, because many students have laptops that they need to charge. This adds to the human experience in that you can simply charge your phone or laptop from a simple table. Other things that add to the human experience are the use of materials throughout the building. Metal and glass are used a lot throughout the space, which is a technological advance and it also makes the room sleek and modern. I found that the space produces a comforting but energetic environment through the use of the interesting lighting fixtures. The neutral colors, lights, glass, and other textiles, create a cohesion of a modern space that makes students' experiences a positive one.

Sunday, December 4, 2016


This technically advanced chair has neon lights that you're able to sit on. This chair is compelling because of the use of light that functions as a chair.

I find the use of technically advanced materials to be interesting. It's interesting how the designer chose to use faux leather and metal. These two materials come together and give the chair a sleek look.
            Technology is changing interior design and how designers can design spaces for clients. For example, virtual reality allows you to see a room like you would in real life except it is digital. The client can personally experience what their room will look like before actually remodeling or making the room. Technology has also changed the way designers and clients communicate. Instead of describing or drawing what a potential room could look like, designers can make it on their computer or tablet.
              Technology, light + color is connected in a few ways. Artificial lighting is technology and there have been new developments for lighting. For example, there are sheets of plastic that can be put on your walls and used as lighting. There’s also many other lighting inventions.

              Technology can be linked to other units we have had. For example, my case study building had many arches which is a technological advancement. That can be liked to unit one because of the lines of the arch, also there were different scales of the arches. There were some arches that were smaller and the main one that was connected to the opening of the building, was very large compared to humans. Technology can be sometimes used to describe buildings, like if the building has lots of technology. You could also describe spaces using their technological advancements because technically, about everything in a building is a technological advance in some way. 

Friday, December 2, 2016

 Technology being incorporated into textiles creates many new opportunities for the usability of things. These new things that are being developed such as wall coverings that control temperature, shows that comfortability is important in interior design. I see positive outcomes with the new technologies being created. For example, the Organic Light Emiting Diod conserves 50% of lighting energy. The article also states how they are working on a project to have plastic sheets of light, eliminating electricity usage and costs. I don’t think new technologies will take away the traditional creativity that interior designers have. If anything it will make them more creative in finding the best materials/items relevant to their clients’ needs.

The fundamental aspect of modern design is clean, open, and simplistic in nature.  Modern design is very functionality focused. It also goes...